Photo of me in 1974 at 8mths old. One thing yoga has taught me is to be in the moment. Being in the moment is an awareness of "FEELING." You will focus on physically feeling the breath move in and out of the body, feeling the feet or any part of the body connected to the earth. You draw your attention to noticing thoughts and how you feel right now. Then you draw that awareness to releasing muscle grip throughout the body. This allows circulation to flow and benefits the entire body, especially the brain and lungs.
When we are in the present moment we are aware of what we are doing, where we are at, how we are feeling and may be noticing the breath. This can be calming for the mind, body and soul. We react to people in a more positive way, our nervous system is in more of a balance and over all we can feel better. So if this holiday has you running crazy... I invite you to PAUSE for just 3 mins! Take 8 deep controlled inhales and exhales! Breathe in deep (fill the lungs) then exhale slow as you gently pull the belly button towards the spine. Feel the feet touch the floor...all the toes, balls of the feet, heels... Soften calves and thighs. Notice the support under your body. This is awareness! Let's those shoulders fall heavy away from the ears, arms get heavy, soften all 10 fingers. Unclench the jaw, release the grip on the teeth, and muscles of the face, neck, around the eyes and forehead. Now tune into the breath or prana (life force) and feel it move in and out of the body. (Preferably through the nose) Now, release all of that thought and just observe yourself in this space now. Come back to this practice any time you feel you need a PAUSE. This very practice, when done regularly, can become a normal part of your daily life! Create the awareness and bring ease into your life.