Did you know the lungs are NOT the main muscle used in breathing? in fact, the lungs are not even a muscle at all, they are tissue. Many people are unaware that it's actually the diaphragmatic muscle that is the main muscle used in breathing.
When we inhale the diaphragm contacts pulling the lungs down opening them to receive nourishment. When we exhale the diaphragm relaxes and the air in the lungs is released.
In yoga one breath practice we use or pranayama is deep belly breathing. With this type of deep breath practice when you inhale deeply and completely you will feel your belly pop out. This is because as the diaphragm contacts and pulls the lungs open and it push the belly out.
One practice to strengthen the diaphragm is to lay on your belly comfortably. Now take deep breaths pushing your belly out against the floor. Practice this for a few breaths then breathe naturally. You can also practice sandbag breathing. While lying on your back and place a weighted yoga sandbag on your lower ribs where your diaphragm is located. Relax your belly and breath into the sandbag space to lift the sandbag... then exhale to lower the sandbag. Practice a few breaths then remove the sandbag and breathe naturally.
Having a strong diaphragm is crucial for overall health and helping your body breath more efficiently.
